Sunday, December 19, 2010


   Late last night, Karen and I were in the process of returning from seeing this month's edition of Vaudezille. A very entertaining Burlesque show that takes place just north of Downtown Chicago.

   We had just entered the village of Glen Ellen and were about 5 miles from reaching home.  We were on Roosevelt Road and I was going right at the speed limit of 30.  I was in the center lane of the west bound lanes and two cars shot past me at a speed that was at least 30 mph over the limit.

   One on my left and one on my right.

   As we crested the hill after driving another quarter mile, the two of them were already way ahead of us.  And then we saw a Glen Ellen cop car pull onto Roosevelt and start heading in the same direction as them.

   Ten seconds later, the red and blue lights came on.

   About five minutes later, we caught up to the parking lot where the police car had them pulled into.  A DuPage Sheriff car was also pulling into the lot to help with the situation.

   We both agreed that the five, six or seven minutes of watching them get taken down for what they'd done was just as entertaining as the Burlesque show.

   Sometimes  There  Is  Justice


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Post Thanksgiving Rant

Although I've done my best to have a happy Thanksgiving, I can't stop
seething over the fact that our so called President was so unbelievably
partisan as to pardon 2 obviously liberal California turkeys while
allowing all the God fearing conservative turkeys from dozens of other
states to be sent to the slaughterhouse.  Here is a man who promised
bipartisanship with almost every speech he made and then he stoops to
this level on our most beloved national holiday.

All of this is obviously retribution for the fact that the Democrats got
creamed this past election day.  And I'm absolutely flabbergasted that
Glen Beck and Sean Hannity haven't done a five part expose on this by
now.  Has everyone else in the country lost their minds?  Am I the only
one who can see the truth of what's happening out there?

(with tongue firmly planted in cheek)

Travis Clemmons